Standing Committees

Standing Committees

The Archdiocese Benefits Committee meets twice a year, each Spring and Fall, to receive and act on reports from its standing committees. Each standing committee consists of clergy and lay-persons with particular interest and professional expertise in the areas the committee oversees.

The Administration Committee meets at least four times a year. It is responsible for the operation of the Pension Plan. It establishes rules for its administration and acts on applications for pension benefits and related issues.

2024-2026 Members

  • Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonides, Chair (Elected Rep - ATL)
  • Rev. Fr. Nicholas Anctil (Elected Rep - AD)
  • Rev. Fr. Jason Houck (Elected Rep - CHI)
  • Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

The Investment Committee meets regularly to review the investment performance of the Pension Fund against established objectives and strategies. It establishes the investment guidelines and has the power to appoint and dismiss the funding agent(s).

2024-2026 Members

  • Rev. Fr. Mark Pakes, Chair (Elected Rep - DEN)
  • Rev. Fr. Basil Arabatzis (Elected Rep - BOS)
  • Rev. Fr. Constantine Simeonidis (Elected Rep - ATL)
  • Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)

The Insurance Plans Committee meets as needed to consider issues related to the Archdiocese-sponsored insurance plans. It selects the insurance carrier, appoints the broker-administrator and negotiates benefits and rates.

2024-2026 Members

  • Rev. Fr. Simon Thomas, Chair (Elected Rep - DET)
  • Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis (Elected Rep - NJ)
  • Rev. Fr. Nebosja Pantic (Elected Rep - SF)
  • Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)
The Benevolence Committee considers and acts on requests for financial assistance for clergy and their families.

2024-2026 Members

  • Rev. Fr. Nick Antil, Chair (Elected Rep - AD)
  • Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis (Elected Rep - NJ)
  • Rev. Fr. Nebosja Pantic (Elected Rep - SF)
  • Rev. Fr. Soterios Baroody (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. Nikolas Karloutsos (GOA)
  • Rev. Fr. James Greanias (GOA)